January 2024

What is corona discharge?

Corona discharge is a low-energy electrostatic discharge that safely dissipates charge from CROHMIQ® FIBC into the atmosphere without the need for grounding. Read more…

25-50-100 Safety Record

CROHMIQblue was the world’s first FIBC fabric to provide full protection against electrostatic hazards without the need for grounding … it is the original Type D FIBC fabric. Read more…


CROHMIQblue fabrics and CROHMIQwhite fabrics are the number one static protective packaging materials for leading global companies. Read more…

February 2024

Type D vs Type B

Type B FIBC can never be a safe replacement for CROHMIQ Static Protective Type D FIBC. Here we explain that Type B FIBC do not provide full protection against electrostatics risks. Read more…


CROHMIQ FIBC with 6:1 safety factors can be refurbished and reused. Here is a checklist to help you get the best use from CROHMIQ bags. Read more…

Designed for Recycling

CROHMIQ fabrics are more than 95% polypropylene and are compatible with most common recycling processes. Here we discuss “Designed for Recycling” requirements. Read more…

March 2024

Type D vs Type C

One of leading causes of industrial accidents with Type C FIBC is a broken or missing ground connection caused by human error. Type D FIBC provide a safe alternative that does not require grounding. Read more…

Converting from Type C to Type D

Guidelines to assist users to convert from Type C FIBC to CROHMIQ Type D FIBC. Read more…

Standards & legislation

National and international standards and their relationships to legislative frameworks in different regions. Read more…

April 2024

Explosive Atmospheres

Terminology used by IEC and NFPA to describe and classify hazardous areas containing explosive atmospheres. Read more…

Type B and Pseudo-Type D

Video clips of IEC 61340-4-4 ignition testing. One clip shows a Type B FIBC igniting a gas equivalent to that used in expandable polystyrene (EPS). The next clip shows an ignition caused by a bag falsely claiming to be Type D. Read more…

Ungrounded Type C are Dangerous!

A short animated presentation explaining how charge building up on the conductive network of a Type C FIBC can result in explosion. Read more…

May 2024

Ignition Risks

Different types of electrostatic discharge can occur when bags are filled and emptied. What are the ignition risks from these discharges? Read more…

Ignition Testing

To qualify as Type D FIBC, bulk bags must pass IEC standard ignition testing. Here we describe the testing. CROHMIQ Type D FIBC are regularly tested using these procedures to ensure continued safety. Read more…

June 2024

What is a propagating brush discharge (PBD)

PBD are perhaps the most dangerous electrostatic discharges that can occur from FIBC. Here we explain the charging processes that can lead to PBD. We also explain the PBD mechanism, and the requirements for preventing occurrence in FIBC. Read more…

Static protective FIBC classification

The electrostatic classification system for FIBC is well established in industry. It is also widely specified in national and international standards. However, old terminology is still sometimes used. This guide helps to avoid confusion, with a simple selection chart for safe FIBC. Read more…

July 2024

Electrostatic risks in EPS operations

Expandable polystyrene (EPS) contains a blowing agent. Pentane gas is the most commonly used blowing agent in EPS. Pentane is flammable and can be ignited by electrostatic discharges. When packaging EPS in bulk bags, it is essential to select the correct type of static protective FIBC.

In this article we describe testing conducted by Texene. First, we describe measurements made at an EPS facility. We the explain how these measurements are used in laboratory testing of bulk bags. The test results prove that Type B FIBC are not safe for use in EPS operations.

CROHMIQ Type D FIBC provide the full static protection required to package EPS. Read more…

Labelling of static protective FIBC

The yellow safety labels required by IEC 61340-4-4 are a quick way to identify static protective FIBC. But not all static protective FIBC provide the full protection required for all applications. This article explains how the safety labels guide end-users to ensure they are using the right bulk bag for their process. Read more…