Bulk product in FIBC Surrounding
MIE of dust Non-flammable atmosphere Dust zones 21-22
(1000 mJ ≥ MIE > 3 mJ)
Gas zones 1-2 (Groups IIA/IIB) or
Dust zones 21-22 (MIE ≤ 3mJ)
MIE > 1000 mJ A, B, C, D B, C, D C, D
1000 mJ ≥ MIE > 3 mJ B, C, D B, C, D C, D
MIE ≤ 3 mJ C, D C, D C, D

Scroll or view in landscape mode to see full table.


Plain Bag – No Static Protection

Safe use:

  • To transport non-flammable products
  • No flammable solvents or gases present around the bag

Do not use:

  • To transport flammable products
  • When flammable solvents or gases are present around the bag


Plain Bag – Low Breakdown Voltage
Prevents Propagating Brush Discharges

Safe use:

  • To transport dry, flammable powders
  • No flammable solvents or gases present around the bag

Do not use:

  • When flammable solvents or gases are present around the bag


Interconnected Conductive Threads Dissipates Charge to Ground RG < 108 ohm

Safe use:

  • To transport flammable powders
  • When flammable solvents or gases are present around the bag

Do not use:

  • When ground connection is not present or has become damaged


Does Not Require Grounding/Earthing

Safe use:

  • To transport flammable powders
  • When flammable solvents or gases are present around the bag

Do not use:

  • When the surface is heavily contaminated or coated with conductive material such as water or grease

Note: There is no official standard classification, “Groundable Type D”, D+, Dplus or CD. IEC 61340-4-4 Ed. 2.0 & Ed. 3.0 do not permit FIBC to be labelled as D+, CD, etc. Only the official classifications, i.e. Type A, Type B, Type C or Type D can be indicated on FIBC labels. One FIBC cannot be simultaneously classed as more than one type. So, for example, classing FIBC as both Type C and Type D, or labelling as C/D, etc. is not permitted by IEC 61340-4-4 Ed. 2.0 or Ed. 3.0.