Processes that involve combustible dusts or flammable gases or vapours have an inherent risk of explosion. To mitigate this risk, it is necessary to use equipment that is designed and tested to eliminate all possible ignition sources. Equipment must be selected and used correctly within its designed safety parameters. In the case of static protective FIBC, each designated type has its own safe limits, and users should select the type of FIBC that matches their process taking account of these safety limits.

Labelling of static protective FIBC is one of the requirements specified in the International Standard IEC 61340-4-4. To comply with the labelling requirements, static protective FIBC shall be clearly labelled with the safety information specified in the standard. The purpose of the safety labels is to inform end-users about the hazardous areas where the FIBC can be safely used, and provide additional instructions and warnings to ensure safe operation. An explanation of the various elements that are required on the safety labels can be found at Yellow Safety Labels on Static Protective FIBC.

Yellow is the preferred background colour for the safety labels. The colour should not be taken to mean that all bags with yellow labels provide the same level of safety. The yellow colour is intended only to make the labels standout from any of the other labels that are commonly attached to bags.

The information on the safety labels is different for each of the different types of FIBC (please see FIBC Classification Type A, B, C, D or Static protective FIBC classification for an explanation of FIBC type classification).

The label only shows the hazardous zones in which it is permitted for the FIBC to be safely used. For example, the safety label for Type B FIBC states they are permitted in zones containing combustible dusts (powders). No permission is given for use in gas or vapour zones because Type B FIBC provide no protection against the electrostatic discharges that can ignite flammable gases and vapours.

Type D FIBC and properly grounded Type C FIBC do provide full protection against propagating brush discharges that can ignite combustible dusts, and also brush discharges and sparks that can ignite flammable gases and vapours. Therefore, the safety labels for Type D FIBC and Type C FIBC permit their use in dust, gas and vapour zones.

Safety labels also include warnings and instructions for safe use. For example, the safety label for Type C FIBC instructs users that the bags must be grounded during all filling and emptying operations. The figures below show examples of safety labels for Type B FIBC, Type C FIBC and Type D FIBC, with a translation of what they mean in simple terms. Note that there is no safety label for Type A FIBC. This is because Type A FIBC provide no static protection at all, and must never be used in hazardous areas, or for packaging flammable or combustible products. Any bulk bag without a yellow safety label should be considered to be a Type A FIBC.

For companies procuring products in FIBC for use in hazardous areas, it is essential to ensure that the correct FIBC that is safe for the intended application and hazard environment is specified. As a final safety precaution, process operators should check the safety labels on static protective FIBC to make sure they are of the correct type and safe for the intended process.

Designed for sugar, corn starch and similar powders.

Permitted for use with:

  • Combustible dusts/powders
    • sugar
    • corn starch, etc.

Not permitted for use with:

  • Flammable dusts/powders
    • bisphenol-A, etc.
  • Flammable gases
    • pentane
    • butane, etc.
  • Flammable vapours
    • toluene
    • xylene, etc.

Designed for all types of flammable materials, but grounding is mandatory.

Permitted for use with:

  • Combustible and flammable dusts/powders
    • sugar
    • corn starch
    • bisphenol-A, etc.
  • Flammable gases
    • pentane
    • butane, etc.
  • Flammable vapours
    • toluene
    • xylene, etc.

Not permitted for use without earth/ground connection

Designed for all types of flammable materials.

Earthing/grounding is not required.

Permitted for use with:

  • Combustible and flammable dusts/powders
    • sugar
    • corn starch
    • bisphenol-A, etc.
  • Flammable gases
    • pentane
    • butane, etc.
  • Flammable vapours
    • toluene
    • xylene, etc.

An explanation of the various elements that are required on safety labels can be found at Yellow Safety Labels on Static Protective FIBC.